Lila the Purple Snail
There are thirty snail eggs under a small rock. Comes the spring time and the lavenders start to bloom, the snail eggs begin to hatch. One by one baby snails say hello to a new life outside their shells. However, one of the eggs is purple in colour and late to hatch. Everyone in the garden becomes curious about it. When the time comes and the purple egg hatches, to everyone’s surprise, a beautiful purple snail is born. At first, the brown and the green snails were all curious about this strange looking baby but soon they were all charmed by its cheerfulness and beauty. It looked so beautiful like the lavender flower and they named it Lila.
Kitabımız Hakkında
Çizer : Zeynep AKTAŞ DURAL
Editör : Güniz GALAY
Grafik Tasarım : Gürol ÖZTÜRK
Yayınevi : Çikolata Yayınevi
Tür : Resimli Öykü Kitabı
Yaş : 3+
Sayfa : 24
Baskı : 1. Baskı
Yer/Tarih : İstanbul/ Kasım 2018
ISBN : 978-605-9713-31-3